Calm Energy Yoga

Calm Energy Yoga describes a state of being -

  • in which poise and clarity are the seamless connection between mind and body
  • and groundedness the companion of a light heart.

Calm Energy Yoga is also a method of practice -

  • of asana, pranayama and meditation
  • enriched by reference to traditions and imagery expressed in the arts, philosophy and cultures of yoga .

Asana practice is taught primarily in the Iyengar style drawing upon Astanga, Sivananda and the learning of individual teachers in India.

What makes Calm Energy Yoga different?

Calm Energy Yoga teaches an understanding of yoga - both of the physiology of the body and the union and integration of the mind, body and spirit.

It is with the purpose, meaning and rasa (essence) of a pose, breathing technique or meditation that the intellect, visual mind, breath and the body seek to become absorbed and integrated.

Calm Energy Yoga is exceptional in making central to its teaching, a considered and expanded vision of how the yoga being practiced is informed by its cultural and intellectual history in its home country of India. Yoga practices are diversifying hugely as teaching translocates to other parts of the world. Calm Energy Yoga teaching accords to the individual and setting and it makes the sources of yoga coherent. It communicates a rich experience: a yoga practice both relevant and contextualised by its inheritance.

Hilary is currently researching individual postures that have become 'classics' in modern yoga, examining the process the yogi passes through from holding a pose as an architectural structure to absorb and integrate its multiple layers of meaning, visual and spiritual elements. Hilary brings these aspects, often lost in current yoga teaching, into her Calm Energy Yoga practice.



     Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider


Hilary is a Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider. She welcomes applications from practising and newly qualified teachers for workshops in yoga practice techniques, teaching methodology and yoga philosophy.

Personalised teaching for individuals and small groups

Hilary works with individuals who appreciate the benefits of yoga and want to incorporate it into their everyday lives. Personal packages, special interest groups, professionals involved in the arts, CEO and senior management level corporate teams and small businesses enjoy Calm Energy Yoga programmes for their adaptability and accuracy: Hilary can travel to you and designs classes around your schedule to your specific needs and requirements. She also participates in events (such as corporate away days, retreats, trainings) in the UK and internationally.

To arrange a programme, personal classes or to book:

Wimbledon Village Open Classes

Hilary runs well-established open classes in Wimbledon Village on Tuesday evenings at 6.30 - 7.30pm (beginners) and 7.30 - 9pm (intermediate) held at her home in Wimbledon. This provides Village and local residents with regular beginner and intermediate level sessions that are easy to get to and appreciated by those who wish to attend a group class.

For details on local classes:

Click here for further information on Hilary's yoga teaching programmes, class times and bookings.